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Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Demonetisation anniversary:PM Modi thanks people for supporting note ban, shares video on ‘benefits’

The BJP and Congress-led Opposition locked horns on Wednesday, on the first anniversary of demonetisation.
While the ruling party is celebrating November 8 as ‘anti-black money day’, several Opposition parties have decided to observe it as a ‘Black Day.’ Several Union ministers and BJP leaders will be highlighting the “benefits” of demonetisation across the country today.
On November 8, 2016, the PM modi led government had withdrawn Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes from circulation, in a bid to curb corruption and black money.
On Tuesday, Finance Minister Arun jaitley described demonetisation a as “watershed moment for the Indian economy.” Reacting to former prime minister Manmohan singh’s criticism of demonetisation,Jaitley said the move was contradictory to the losecond generation spectrum scam, at that happened in the commonwealth games and allocation of coal blocks.

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